Blogger Khalid Jarrar, author of Secrets in Baghdad, remains in custody of the Iraqi intelligence service, known as the Mukhabarat.
Mehr bei Global Voices Online und seinem Bruder Raed Jarrar.
My mom freaked out yesterday and deleted all the Arabic posts on her blog. She thinks the Iraqi government would keep khalid imprisoned if they knew his family is anti-occupation and critical to the current regime. She reminded me of what my old friend Salam (aka salam pax) did three years ago when he deleted our joint blog fearing that Iraq’s old mukhabarat would find it, I couldn’t sleep that night. I can’t sleep tonight either. history repeats itself
[Raed in the Middle]
24. Juli: Khalid ist wieder frei.
Blogger in Haft 8. November 2005 at 5:07 am
[…] Blogger aus der Osthemisphäre müssen scheinbar täglich mit der Angst leben wegen politischen oder religiösen Publikationen verhaftet zu werden. So wie es schon des öfteren passiert ist – 1, 2 und 3 – wurde nun ein Ägyptischer Blogger verhaftet. […]