GWB hat einen netten Schachzug gespielt und den Senat Schachmatt gesetzt.
“President Bush chose politics over principle today when he sent an Ambassador
to the UN who does not have the support of the Senate or the American people.
Amb. Bolton chose ambition over integrity today when he refused to step aside in
light of reports that he failed to disclose information to the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee. His appointment stands in direct contrast to other cases
where nominees from both parties withdrew their names when it became clear that
they had provided partial, misleading, or inaccurate information during their
confirmation process. At the very moment that the American people are demanding principle and integrity at the UN, at the very moment that the world is coming together to make the UN more effective, the President chose to send to the UN someone whose integrity, and divisiveness fail to live up to the high standards of past U.S. Ambassadors to the UN (…)”
Das schreibt die Initiative Citizens for Global Solutions, die bereits kurz nach der Nominierung Boltons eine Kampagne gegen ihn gestartet hatte.